The faculty believes in providing opportunities which develop and enhance the professional growth of the student. Thus, as a matter of policy, students are highly encouraged to participate in professional meetings, conventions, projects, etc. The following activities are encouraged: (1) student memberships in local, state, and national professional organizations; (2) preparation, display, and presentation of professional-related exhibits, posters, etc.; (3) participation in National Nutrition Month activities; (4) attendance and participation at any function in which new knowledge or the quality of professionalism is enhanced; and 5) presentations to community groups as a professional experience and community service.
In promoting the above philosophy, students are encouraged to attend certain professional meetings when possible:
- Oklahoma City District Dietetic Association meetings and
- Conventions of the Oklahoma Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (The Oklahoma Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics meets twice annually, in the fall and the spring.)
- GREAT Symposium (see Graduate College website)
- College of Allied Health Research Day
The faculty encourages students to also attend other nutrition-related meetings and seminars, which are offered at times other than class time or clinical experiences. Approval to attend conferences, seminars, etc., which conflict with routine academic schedules is to be arranged through the course instructor.