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A graduate student within the Department of Nutritional Sciences is subject to disciplinary action if:

  1. The student engages in conduct that is deliberately unbecoming to the Department, a practice setting, or the Profession, or is unethical in nature; and/or
  2. The student engages in dishonest work as described in the OUHSC Student Handbook.  The Department describes academic misconduct as including, but not limited to:
    1. cheating (using unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise or on national board examinations)
    2. plagiarism
    3. falsification of records
    4. unauthorized possession of examinations
    5. intimidation and any and all other actions that may improperly affect the evaluation of academic performance or achievement
    6. assisting others in any of the above acts
    7. attempts to engage in such acts

The above guidelines also include being dishonest about following Departmental policies and any other acts which involve unethical or dishonest behavior.

A variety of sanctions may be imposed upon a student engaging in inappropriate acts/behaviors, including warning, censure, probation, suspension, expulsion, and/or restitution.  The OUHSC Student Handbook, along with the College of Allied Health Student Handbook describes student rights and responsibilities in detail and all students are required to know these documents.

Students who have received a disciplinary sanction of any kind are subject to possible dismissal pending review by the Departmental Academic Progress Committee.

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